Détails du plan


Détails du plan
Numéro de plan 78273 CLSR QC
Titre FIELD NOTES OF RESURVEY OF LOTS 4-1, 4-3, 5-4, 7-1, 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 14-1, 15-3, 17-1, 18, 19-1, 20, 29, 31, 38, 39, 40, 43-1, TO 43-3, 44-2, 52-1, 52-4, 53, 54-1, 56, 59-2, 60-1 TO 60-3, 61, 63, 64-3, 66 TO 69, 70-2, 70-4, 71, 72-1 TO 72-3, 73, 74-2, 74-3, 76-2, 76-3, 77, 78-1, 84, 85 AND 87 BLOCK I AND LOTS 73-2, 74, 75-1, 80, 81-2, AND 84-1 BLOCK II AND DUNDEE ROAD, DEDAM ROAD, LANES, AND PARTS OF MINE ROAD, CONRAD ROAD, AND RIVERSIDE ROAD. AND SURVEY OF LOTS 4-2-1, 5-2-1, 5-2-2, 5-5 ( 5-1-1, 5-1-2, 5-3), 6-1, 6-2, 7-3-2, 7-4, 7-5 (7-2, 7-3-1), 8-3-1, 8-3-2, 8-4, 8-5-1 8-5-2, 9-2, 9-3-1, 9-3-2, ( 9-3 RE), 9-4-1, 9-4-2 ( 9-4 RE), 9-5, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4 (12 RE), 14-2 TO 14-4, 15-2-1 TO 15-2-4, 15-5-2, 15-6, 15-8, 15-9 (15-4, 15-1), 15-10 (15-5-1, 15-7), 16-1-1 TO 16-1-3, 16-2-1 TO 16-2-3, 17-2-1 TO 17-2-3, 19-2 ( RE), 21 - 1 , 21-2-1 , 21-2-2, 21-3, 21 -4, 2 2- 1 - 1 , 2 2-1-2, 26-5 (26-3, 26-4-2), 26-6 (26-1, 26-4-1), 28-1 TO 28-4, 30-1-1, 30-1-2, 30-2, 30-3, 32-1-1, 32-1-2, 32-1-4, 32-1-5, 32-2, 32-3 (32-1-3-1), 32-4 (32-1-3 RE), 33-1, 33-2, (33 RE), 34-1 TO 34-3, 41-1, 41-2 (41 RE), 42-2-1 TO 42-2-3, 44-1-1, 44-3 (44-1 RE), 45 (54-2-1, 42-1-1 ), 47-2-2, 42-1-2 , 47-1, 4 7-2-1' 4 7-3, 47-4, 47-5 (47 RE), 48-1 TO 48-5, 49 (4-2-2, 5-1-3), 52-3-1 TO 52-3-3, 52-5-1, 52-5-2, 54-2-2, 55-1, 55-2, 57-1 TO 57-5, 58-1-1, 58-1-2, 58-2 TO 58-4, 59-3 ( 59-1-1, 59-1 RE), 62-1, 62-2 ( 62 RE), 64-1-1, 64-1-2, 64-2-1 TO 64-2-5 (64-2), 65-1 TO 65-5, 70-6 (70-3, 70-1-2), 70-7 (70-5, 70-1-1 ), 74-1-1, 74-1-2, 75-1, 75-2, 75-3 (75 RE), 76-1-1, 76-4 (76-1 RE), 78-2 (78 RE), 79-1-1 (79-1 RE), 79-1-2 (79-1 RE), 79-1-3 (79-1 RE), 79-4 (79-2, 79-3), 86-1 TO 86-3 BLOCK I AND LOTS 2-2, 2-5 TO 2-7 2-8 (2-3, 2-4), 73-1-1' 73-1-2, 75-2, 75-3, 75-4, 76-1 76-2-1, 76-2-2 (76-2 RE), 76-3, 76-4, 79-1, 79-2 (79 RE), 81-1-1 TO 81-1-3, 82-1 TO 82 4, 84-2 TO 84-7 AND 86-1 TO 86-5 (77, 2-1) BLOCK II (eng; CAN)
Description ART.:10162 94 QUE.
Arpenteur KEARNAN, N. ()
Terre(s) du Canada RÉSERVE INDIENNE LISTUGUJ (06088)
Date de l'arpentage 1995-01-14
Date de l'enregistrement 2002-11-01
Numéro du projet

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